Friday, November 02, 2012
Its not that I miss or love my father for my needs... and I cant say its just coz of the blood relationship that we have... but actually isn't its all true??? I never accept it..neither wanna even think this way... sound really so mean n yukhyyyyy... but this is the reality of life...we humans are so mean n self centered... may be we are created like this that our all relationships in life are based on needs, expectations, desires and our personal benefit..whether its our relationship with our God, parents, siblings, friends or anyone...we all hold some expectations from all these relationships...we pray to God with all our heart mostly when we are in pain or in a serious need...we respect n care our parents coz they look after our needs... until n unless our siblings n other relatives support us n stay good with us we don't return the same to them... we pick n choose our friends based on our liking towards them or if they help or support us in any means... Isn't it all sound so mean n selfish??? Am sure no one even realize n accept this bitter truth.. and I do expect that many will disagree to the idea even I do...I don't even wanna think like that especially when it comes to my love for my God, my father n loved ones...
Many a times in my life so far I have sacrificed my numerous wishes n desires without even realizing for my loved ones... but today when I am evaluating myself n looking into the depth of all the relationships I hold in my life I feel I am the same common, selfish human... I never stopped praying to my Allah not even the time when I faced failure n losses in my life in fact I always felt that especially during my hard times I get more close to my God... but is it only just coz I love n have faith in my Allah?? or coz of the hopes n expectation that He will some day soon turn back things into my favor as He hold all the powers in His hands so, if I pray to Him n please Him He will help me out or may be coz of the fear that what if God punish us for our bad deeds?? I know its my faith in my God but if we look into the depth of the idea isn't it true that our prayers are based on our needs n expectations from our God?? We pray to our God just coz we know that He is the One who can help us n fulfill our needs...and unfortunately same is the case with our other relationships as well.. isn't it?????
Aren't we humans are real mean n selfish..???
Gosh!! bitter but true reality of life.. isn't it??
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Many of us spend all our life dreaming, planning and struggling for future and doing that we ignore our present... there could be many small happiness n precious moments of life we just ignore or waste by being so much involved in our future thinking n plannings...
Dreaming n then setting new goals after achieving every previous goal is an on going process that will never end I guess its a natural phenomena...our greed never ends...and yea it is important as well to always have some dream n goal in life to keep on going n having that charm n ambition in life...
Am not against dreaming and thinking n planning future...but yea I have seen many around who ignore their present for their future... and later in their life they regret for missing all those small but precious moments of life that they just waste in running after their goals for future...
Isn't it a fact that no one knows about future??... who knows today what we planning for tomorrow whether we will be able to see the rising sun of up coming morning or not...?? I know it sounds pessimist but isn't it a reality too???
Dream...plan..effort for your good future...but don't forget to live n enjoy what you have in your present... don't wait to live your life in the future neither make your loved ones wait with you for that...
Best Regards,
Monday, October 08, 2012
Friday, March 02, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012

Undoubtedly we all do believe in a fact that there is no surety of tomorrow, non of us knows that what we have to face next in life. So, life is is now. Just live this moment of your life fully and do all your heart want you to do so that you don't have to end up with a regret in your heart.
Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Everyone want to be loved and have some one in life whom they can own, they can rely on, who cares for them like anything and with whom they can live all their dreams. No matter if rest of the World treat you just as an ordinary human but that one person treats you like a Prince/Princess. Isn't we all wish for it?? And there is nothing bad in it..its a natural desire that every heart holds..:))
So, an opportunity is there just a day ahead...yeah Valentines Day! :)) just start preparing now..whoever you have to express anyone o your feelings whether have to say..'I Love You!'...'Sorry!'...'Thanks!'...or to propose someone special or anything that you like to tell your loved ones..say it now! Make it special with loads of colors and flowers. Whether write a small card or arrange a party or dinner..but just say it..don't waste time anymore..because there is no tomorrow..whatever it is it is this moment fully with your loved ones..:)))
Loadsa Love,
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Be Careful with your Words....
Many of us say big words and make statements that in actual we might cant do but just to be sweet and please others we just make these kind of emotional statements for example..'I can do anything for you'.... 'I will die without you'..'I'll be always there for you no matter what'...and many others like that...
No doubt these are very sweet and most commonly use statements to pamper and please others but sometimes your these emotional statements can make big difference in others they might can take your these casually said sweet words seriously and start keeping high expectations from you and relying on you may be to an extend where you don't even think of...and we all know when we expect something and we don't get that it really hurts..and sometimes can lead to big damages in one's personality like loosing trust in others, depressions, loneliness and so on...
So just be careful with your words that you use while expressing your love...your kindness..or any other sweet gesture to realistic and practical while making your not say or commit things that you cant do in real...because its easy to say and give others expectations but not always its that easy to do things practically to meet the expectations of others that they are having from you..
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012

I love to celebrate small occasions in life as I believe these small celebrations really make big differences in life and make life beautiful and colorful...In today's fast pace life where we hardly get time to even sit and talk to our family...I feel occasions like Valentines Day is a great opportunity to express our love and feelings with our loved not important that only if you have someone special like your girl friend/boy friend or hubby/wife then only you can celebrate Valentines Day..even you can celebrate it with your family..friends..n whoever you feel for...its just a day to express your love for whoever you hold in your come on...avail the opportunity..n get ready to surprise your loved ones by making small efforts to make them feel your love...your small can make a difference not only for people you are planning all this for but also for your own self too...
So get ready to celebrate n express your as much as u can n you will definitely feel the difference n so much color n positive energy in your life... :)))
Take a step ahead to spread love n peace around...:)
Lotsa Love,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Learnings of life...
With all the due respect...I am sharing this here that one of my blog friend Umair have shared in response to one of my previous post..first I typed my reply to this comment in the comment box then I thought its worth sharing with the other readers as this incident of this friend of mine will definitely make us learn something in life that might can change our thinking n perspective here it is..
It was the second day of Eid. Everyone was making merry at their places on that festive occasion as it was a public holiday too. I was refueling my car on a gas station. I saw this old man passing by on road on his bicycle. Suddenly the bicycle flipped over and the old man came down. I didn't see any apparent reason of why that bicycle flipped over except that there was something wrong with the old man. Sadly no body stopped for the old man. I quickly rushed towards him, gave him a hand, helped him stand and rescued him to a chair in the gas station. Old man was constantly fumbling his pockets for something and he was just too feeble to utter even a single word. I tried to rub his chest and I felt there was something in his front pocket. I took it out and it turned out to be an inhaler. He quickly took some puffs and felt a little better. He asked for some sugar as he was also diabetic and probably the reason for him flipping over was that his sugar level went dangerously low. I asked him where hes coming from and whats his destination. He told me that he's a carpenter and he worked on a daily wage and that he didn't have any kids. He was going to the factory to see if its open and if he could get to work to earn his daily wage of 300 rupees. He further told me that he had to pay the electricity bill, rent and other utility bills. He wouldn't be able to feed his wife and himself if he didn't have work that day. Imagine a man aging 80,diabetic and asthmatic, traveling 14 miles on a bicycle on one of the biggest festive occasion of the year, looking for his daily wage. I was in two minds whether to help him financially or some other means. I took a currency note of 1000 Rs from my pocket and offered him. The old man with a big self esteem refused to take that amount saying that he was not a beggar and that he works with his bare hands to earn and off he went to his bicycle and disappeared.
That incident left a very huge mark on my life. I started to compare my myseries with the old and I found out that the comparison is not even possible except that my little daughter passed away at the age of 2 months. I couldn't sleep well a number of nights after that incident. I started to feel guilty whether I'm just another selfish human? What's the purpose of my life? Is my life, my dreams, my wishes more important than others? Do I have the right to be happy when others are not? How important is my own life? I pondered and pondered and pondered. Extremely depressed and low and then I came to a resolution and told myself that everybody lives for himself/herself in this world, you;re no different. There has to be a purpose of my life, running after material well being is surely not the purpose of this life and people around me are more important than my ownself.
I know people would disagree to that but thats how I have started to percieve things after that incident.
Umair...firstly thanks for sharing such a touching real life incident of your life here...definitely whoever will read it out here will learn something though that learning might be different then yours as different people perceive same thing in a different way as per their priorities..level of sensitivity..experiences in life so far n different other factors..
It might be just words for you that you might have heard from many but from my depth of heart I am so sorry to hear about your young know this is where we see God n believe that yes there is someone who is driving us..taking decisions for our life..n time to time with different incidents in life telling us that He exist and He holds all the power..
We all have some gains n losses in life...n that's all life is all about..nothing but just an EXAM...what i have learned so far in my life is..limit your expectations from this life after death is the real life..whatever we gain or loose in this life its just to test us by God..n in our life after death we ll be no doubt rewarded for our good deeds n will meet again all the loved ones that unfortunately we all have to loose at some point in this life..sooner or later..
I would just say it is right n good that you value others and think about them that deeply and find your happiness in their happiness but with that its not advisable that you start ignoring yourself..your own happiness n sorrows..Allah(God) have gifted you this you also have a right to be happy and fulfill your desires and needs at least to an extend you can do..otherwise you will loose yourself one day or will be tired..which obviously is not healthy..just believe in God..if He takes something from you then He gifts you many things as well..I know there are so many happiness waiting for you in your life a head..Cheers!!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
You're Important...
Many of us spend most of our time in doing things what others want or expect us to do as our duties or responsibilities. It is true that it feels really great to do things for others and their happiness but with this most of the times we forget our own self...our desires..our wishes..our dreams..our happiness..and that ultimately lead us to depressions..lack of satisfaction..and can also make us feel as we are caught in an undertow of survival...
While fulfilling your responsibilities and making others happy we shouldn't forget that WE'RE IMPORTANT too...we also need our own time..our attention..and sometimes we also need to pamper our self and make our self is very important to know our self..our desires..our dreams..our true happiness n peace..
So just spare few minutes in your routine for your own self...look into your heart..explore yourself..your dreams..your desires..define your true happiness and peace..and then go for it!
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