I woke up this morning I could see,
I could walk,I could talk,
I could smile,I could smell,
I could taste,I could laugh,
I had food to eat,I had water to drink,
the best thing of all,
there is 'peace'
Peace in the house, peace outside,
so still is the air, not a sound near or far,
the air is fresh, no smog or smoke,
no people about, not a soul in site,
it's great where I live,
not like some places I hear about
where they don't have 'peace'
I look at the houses, and i recall
the different races of people,
religions and creeds,
in nearly every house lives a person from afar
all living in harmony
respecting each other and conforming to my land
a street of many nations
where there is 'peace'
I wonder how many people don't have what I have today,
the world has changed, some live in fear,
and I won't be fearful, I walk free,
without any fear i love, i don't hate,
I smile because I have a lot to smile about
I really wish that the world was like my street,
for then,
there would be 'peace'
We just need to realize the Truth, Peace 'll be there same spot. *Smiles*
God bless you.....
So nice to hear about such a street, where every one lives in harmony, with peace.
You are really lucky. It is when we experience living in such places, that we talk about heaven on earth.
Nice Post, Samrina..!!
With Best Regards,
Champ... agree, thnx for adding ur thoughts here:)
Srijith unni... thnx for stopping by my blog and ur comment here. Yeah if this all come to reality than we can have heaven at this world :)
Gaurav Jain... thnx alot friend for ur words they r always so meaningful :)
Ttakecare all.
A very nice poem. Peace on earth, good will toward men. That's not so hard to have in our own immediate vicinity. And it takes one person to start a big movement.
Thanks for your post, Samrina.
I agree if the rest of the world were like your street it would make for wonderful peace around the world. This is the way that my street is, but it's not that way everywhere here.
So beautifully written. Samrina, I am so glad that I found your blog it is such a pleasure to come and read your beautiful thoughts.
Thank you.
I wish you to have that peace all in your life.
Well written poem.
Thankyou for your Winkin' words on my blog. You must know that I don't mind jokes, specially when they come from such Dear friends.
Thankyou for the Prayers. *Smiles*
God bless you.....
You lucky to have peace. Do spread it @ teh world !!!
David... yeah very true u stated sir nothing is impossible we just have to step forward and effort for it with honesty. Thnx alot for ur words:) :)
Exseno... thnx alot for ur words friend and i m glad too to have u sort of friend around:) :)
James Bright... thnx alot friend for ur wishes and same wishes for u as well from myside but i wanna clear onething that these are not my own words, i just liked it to shared here with all of u too.
Champ... ok friend now its been noted that u dnt mind jokes:) anyhow u r most welcome, my prayers r always there with u n all my blog friends:) :)
Bablu... yeah i m trying but u r also welcome to participate n spread peace in this world:)
Takecare all.
Saad... i think we all wish to have peace around but main thing is to effort for it with honesty. Thnx for the joke by the way :) :)
a lovely poem :) if only there was peace.
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