'Open Book'
OK, I have been tagged by Eric for this Meme, titled to be ‘Open Book’. So here are the instructions below:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open it at page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence/ phrase.
4. Blog the next four sentences/ phrases together with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig your shelves for that very special or intellectual book.
6. Pass it forward to six friends
Well like you Eric even I don’t have much reading habit and I hardly read very few recommended books by my friends around and those are mostly related to poetry, psychology, life, emotions, feelings, and topics like that.. Anyhow I have been gifted this book that I am going to talk about here which is titled to be ‘Treasury of Joy & Enthusiasm’ written by one of my all time favorite and very inspirational writer Norman Vincent Peale. I have read his few other books as well that I really liked and would love to recommend everyone around like ‘Power of Positive thinking’, ‘The new art of living’, ‘The amazing results of positive thinking’, and so on… these books are truly gems and make anyone’s life easier and happier then ever before..
Anyhow coming back to the tag here are the sentences 16-19 on page no. 123:
Naturally I wanted to know the secret, so later I asked him.
“There is no secret,” he said. “All I did was to start using that idea of taking God as your partner. Now, every day of my life I read the New Testament; it is filled to over flowing with life.”
Now lastly as per the rules I would like to pass on this tag to my following blog fellows:
- Noushy
- Exseno
- Rajji
- Cergie
- Magiceye
- Andrew
Best Regards,